How to start a scooter rental business?

So you're thinking of starting your own small business, but don't know which could be a profitable venture? Cloud of Goods can help! We are seeing huge demand for Mobility Scooter (Also known as ECV or Handicap scooter) rentals across the country in pretty much all the major cities. Having started our own small scooter rental businesses in many cities across the US and having grown from a home based scooter rental business to a multi million dollar revenue making multi-city operation, we think we are at an advantage to guide anyone who wants to start a home based scooter rental business to start and grow their own business.
Post Covid-19 pandemic, Cloud of Goods pivoted to Uber-like model where we work with hundreds of local rental businesses and home based rental business owners to fulfill thousands of rental orders from our customers. Setting up on Cloud of Goods platform is easy! We do not charge any setup fees or any startup fees. All you need is initial cash to buy the startup inventory and we can get you activated on the system instantly! Here's how to setup your own small home based scooter rental business with less than $5K investment.
- Have space in your home or garage to store some scooters
- Have a vehicle that can be used to do deliveries (Most mobility scooter models like Pride GOGO or Pride Victory does fit in the trunk of a car after disassembly, so even a car would be enough for you to start delivering)
- Be willing to deliver rentals to wherever the customers are and pickup the returns at the end of the rental period
- $5K cash (Or ability to get a small business loan) that you can invest to buy the initial inventory (A several people who recently opened their scooter rental business on Cloud of Goods used their Covid-19 stimulus funds or the IRS tax relief funds as the initial seed capital to start their scooter rental business on Cloud of Goods)
How to start a scooter rental business?
Allocate some space in your home or garage to be able to host 3 or 4 mobility scooters
Register a small business or home based business or LLC with the city
Apply to be a "Cloud Rental Partner". Click here to apply
Once we receive your application to setup a rental shop, our partner onboarding team will give you a call to get you setup on Cloud of Goods and show you how to use the platform
Buy 3 or 4 mobility scooters to start with (We recommend 2 Lightweight mobility scooters and 1 heavy duty mobility scooter). You can buy them off of Amazon and have it delivered within a couple of days
Once you receive the scooters, unpack them, assemble them, test them. When you're ready, let your Cloud of Goods onboarding team member know that you're ready to receive orders. Then we will instantly activate your shop on the platform
Start receiving orders!
If you can serve a major metro area, we would be able to grow your business very very quickly for you to be able to fulfill dozens of mobility scooter rental orders everyday! We can grow you and you can grow with us to achieve your financial goals!
It's that simple!
► Click here to start your scooter rental business today
Still got more questions? Your friendly Cloud of Goods partner onboarding team is here to help. Call us at 407-545-3103 or email:
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